Children Need to Strive

What a great word. To stretch out. To reach. To want. To maybe be unsatisfied with your temporary position. To strive for more. To strive for a higher position. To make things happen.

Have I said anything you disagree with yet? Can you strive when you wait for others? Can you strive when you feel entitled? Can you strive when you expect life to make things easy for you?

Youth sports help children step out on their own. Youth sports puts children at the starting line. With a goal, a challenge, and a finish line in front of them. Then the coaches say, "go.” Not "we are at bat, or we are now up on beam," but "go." It is now up to you. The training is over for the moment, and it is now time for you to strive for more. Take your training experiences and put them into performance achievements.

When too many people are at the starting line with a child, it is hard to strive. When too many people are at the starting line with a child, they can be unsure how much they did on their own when the gun goes off; the pitcher throws the ball or the judge salutes. Coaches, parents, and teachers "do their thing" with the idea that getting to the starting line is the goal, with each child prepared for the race with the tools to make it on their own. We step back.

Children must be shown that preparation is necessary and then the performance challenge happens. On their own. Then confidence can develop. Fun in achieving happens, and striving becomes desired. Striving on their own so that they are prepared to strive even more when they drive off to their independent life. Not motivated by their coach, or their teacher or their parent but self-motivated to reach, climb and desire more.

Every day must be filled with attitudes and activities that teach each child that life is about what they are willing to work for. Strive for what will make them happy and successful. Not what will be handed to them. Youth sports help children step out on their own. Without us.

Tom Burgdorf – Author

Email: Web Site: Face Book: Tom Burgdorf